To examine the age-and gender-specific 5-year incidence of age-related mac ulopathy (ARM) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in citizens of Reykja vik. Population-based, prospective cohort study. The cohort was a population-b ased random sample of citizens 50 years and older. Of 1379 eligible subjects, 10 45 had a baseline examination in 1996; 846 of the 958 survivors (88.2%) had a 5 -year follow-up examination in 2001. The incidence of various characteristics of drusen and pigmentary changes that are typical of ARM were determined using t he international classification and grading system for ARM and AMD. Early ARM an d AMD were assessed by masked grading of stereo fundus photographs. Hypopigmenta tion developed at 5 years in 10.7%of people 50 to 59 years of age (95%confiden ce interval [CI], 6.9-14.4) and in 25.7%those 70 to 79 years of age (95%CI, 1 8.4-33.0) at baseline. Age-related macular degeneration developed in no one wh o was 50 to 59 years of age at baseline. Geographic atrophy (GA) developed in 4. 6%(95%CI, 1.2-7.9) and exudative AMD in none of those who were 70 years and o lder at baseline. Geographic atrophy is the predominant type of AMD in Iceland, and the ratio of GA to neovascular AMD is higher than in racially similar popula tions.
To examine the age-and gender-specific 5-year incidence of age-related mac ulopathy (ARM) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in citizens of Reykja vik. Population-based, prospective cohort study. The cohort was a population Of a total of 1379 eligible subjects, 10 45 had a baseline examination in 1996; 846 of the 958 survivors (88.2%) had a 5 -year follow-up examination in 2001. The incidence of various characteristics of drusen and pigmentary changes that are typical of ARM were determined using t he international classification and grading system for ARM and AMD. Early ARM an d AMD were assessed by masked grading of stereo fundus photographs. Hypopigmenta tion developed at 5 years in 10.7 % of people 50 to 59 years of age (95% confiden ce interval [CI], 6.9-14.4) and in 25.7% those 70 to 79 years of age (95% CI, 8.43-33.0) at baseline. Age-related macular degeneration developed in no one wh o was 50 to 59 years of age at baseline. Geograp hic atrophy (GA) developed in 4. 6% (95% CI, 1.2-7.9) and exudative AMD in none of those who were 70 years and o lder at baseline. Geographic atrophy is the predominant type of AMD in Iceland, and the ratio of GA to neovascular AMD is higher than in racially similar popula tions.