Slip Rates of the Major Faults on the Mid-southern Section of the North-South Seismic Belt Calculate

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snwyshenwei
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In this paper,using the 1999 ~ 2007 GPS velocity field data,and by choosing the optimal block model,we obtained the deformation models applicable to the boundary zones of major blocks and the slip rates of block boundary faults on the mid-southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. The results show that: on the Longmenshan fault zone,the tensional and compressive slip rate is small on the Baoxing-Wenchuan segment,about 0. 5 ~ 1. 8mm·a- 1, and the rate is relatively significant on the segment of the Wenchuan-Maoxian,as 1. 8 ~ 3. 8mm·a- 1; on the Xianshuihe fault belt,there is a certain difference in spatial distribution between the tensional slip rate and strike-slip rate: the tensional slip rate( 8. 1mm·a- 1) is bigger than the sinistral strike-slip rate( 4. 8mm·a- 1) at the north of the Luhuo region; the tension and compression slip rate is basically the same as the strike-slip rate at Luhuo-Dawu; the Dawu-Kangding section presents a trend of decreased strike-slip rate and increased tensional slip rate; the Kangding-Shimian segment shows a strike-slip nature; the strike-slip rate is significantly greater than the tension /compression rate on the Xiaojiang fault zone; the slip rate on the Red River fault zone shows obvious spatial segmentation,the slip rate is smaller in its northwest part,but with a certain amount of tensional /compression component,4. 7mm·a- 1on the Jingdong segment. The segment east of Jingdong( western Gejiu) is mainly of strike-slip,with a slip rate of 4. 5mm·a- 1. In this paper, using the 1999-2007 GPS velocity field data, and by choosing the optimal block model, we obtained the deformation models applicable to the boundary zones of major blocks and the slip rates of block boundary faults on the mid-southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. The results show that: on the Longmenshan fault zone, the tensional and compressive slip rate is small on the Baoxing-Wenchuan segment, about 0.5 to 1.8 mm · a-1, and the rate is relatively significant on the segment of the Wenchuan-Maoxian, as 1. 8-3.8 mm · a-1; on the Xianshuihe fault belt, there is a certain difference in spatial distribution between the tensional slip rate and strike-slip rate: the The tension and compression slip rate are basically the same as the tensional slip rate (8. 1mm · a-1) is bigger than the sinistral strike-slip rate (4. 8mm · a- 1) at the north of the Luhuo region; strike-slip rate at Luhuo-Dawu; the Dawu-Kangding section presents a trend of decreased strike-slip rate and i the Kangding-Shimian segment shows a strike-slip nature; the strike-slip rate is significantly greater than the tension / compression rate on the Xiaojiang fault zone; the slip rate on the Red River fault zone shows obvious spatial segmentation , the slip rate is smaller in its northwest part, but with a certain amount of tensional / compression component, 4. 7mm · a- 1on the Jingdong segment. The segment east of Jingdong (western Gejiu) is mainly of strike-slip, with a slip rate of 4. 5mm · a- 1.
美术课是义务教育阶段必开的一门课,但有些地区的开课质量不甚理想。文章以连云港乡镇中学为研究对象,探讨了美术教育中存在的问题,并尝试提出一些应对策略,以期改变目前的不良状况。   近年来,随着国家对乡镇学校教育重视度的提高和教育投入力度的加大,连云港乡镇学校在教学条件和教学效果上都有了较大的改善和提高,但相比其他科目,美术教育仍存在诸多问题。   一、存在的问题   1.对美术
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