Chinese Localization of the Foreign Video Games

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  In 2013, video games players are over 1.2 billion. Although the video games industry in China is thriving, the quality of many games is inferior as Chinese games developers started late. So most Chinese gamers prefer foreign video games. Nevertheless, most Chinese gamers who want to smoothly enjoy foreign games have to face language barriers. It is necessary to localize the foreign video games for Chinese gamers.
  Excellent localization of the title always highlights the game. For instance, Square Enix published a game called Tomb Raider, centering around adventures of a British archaeologist. Tomb Raider can be literally translated as “古墓突袭者.” But the translator translated it as “古墓丽影.” The highlight is “丽影.” The protagonist, Lara Croft, is a female adventurer in search of ancient relics. “丽影” makes Lara’s consummate skill and perfect body shape get into gamers’ mind. Besides, “影” and “古墓” complement each other, manifesting a mysterious feeling. Its combination of literal and liberal translation that meets the principles of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance is the best example of translating foreign video games titles.
  Terrible translation exists as well. In early years, most foreign video games in China were pirate copies. Chinese games companies generally assigned the localization work to college students whose translating abilities were uneven, thus good and bad translations in that period were intermingled. For example, Bethesda Softworks, an American games developer produced a game called The Elder Scrolls. The proper translation of the title should be “上古卷軸,” but the then translator translated it as “老头滚动条” according to its literal meaning became a laughing stock.
  According to practical translation, we normally use literal, liberal translation and transliteration to localize the foreign video games titles. The following will propose some advice with case analysis.
  1. Literal Translation
  If the original game title clearly shows the background of the game, the translator should apply literal translation, letting TT gamers comprehend the same meaning foreign gamers receive when they see the title for the first time. However, the novelty of the selection of Chinese character should be carefully considered even when use literal translation, otherwise the title would not be attractive. Moreover, arbitrarily adding or omitting words should be avoided. For instance:
  Final Fantasy is regarded as one of the most influential role-playing games on the Nintendo Entertainment System. But in the early time the translators in Taiwan and Hong Kong translated it as “太空战士.” Although the game has some space scenes, “太空战士” is flatly inferior to “最终幻想” which has artistic conception.   2. Liberal Translation
  If the game original title fails to accurately deliver the background of the game, the translator should apply liberal translation through fully understanding the game’s substance and choosing proper words. Thus it will appeal to gamers, making them remember the title, e.g. using the Chinese four-character structure. For instance:
  Resident Evil is a survival horror video games series. It was originally released in Japan as Bio Hazard. When it was published in the U.S., its name was changed to Resident Evil owing to the problem of copyright. In Taiwan, it was translated as “恶灵古堡” while the mainland translator used its Japanese version translation “生化危机.” Obviously, the latter is better.
  3. Transliteration
  This sort of game is generally entitled by personal name, and most are based on novels or movies. Even though it is not difficult to translate, the translator should not arbitrarily apply liberal translation, for example:
  Alan Wake is a survival horror video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Although it is a psychological horror game, the word “殺手”totally has nothing to do with the game’s content. Apparently the translator applied undue liberal translation. It might as well be directly translated as “艾伦·韦克.”
  According the case analyses, there are some principles in translating the titles of foreign video games, including 1) The translation should accurately express the original meaning,avoiding using ambiguous expression; 2) Better adopt the Chinese four-character structure; 3) Commercial consideration. The Chinese titles should be attractive; 4) Taking its sequels into consideration.
  In recent years, the video games industry develops so fast that makes the localization of excellent foreign video games become a very important field in translation industry. The translation of foreign video games titles is a critical part of the localization, since excellent translation would appeal to consumers while terrible translation might ruin a great game in the first place. Hence the translation of a game’s title is vital to its success no matter in commercial or artistic consideration.
在我国,素质教育已经推行了多年,但高考制度的特点决定了真正落实到各校课堂的仍不过是应试教育。这种教育模式,学生功课繁,学时长,作业多;而教师在备课、授课、批閱作业之余还得对所任班级随时跟进,及时辅导,以免学生成绩下降带动教师业绩下滑,在业绩评比中失利益,失面子。更有甚者,大部分中高考毕业班周末和假期也得不到休息,师生负担之重可想而知。  高考的需要,社会的竞争,家长的期待,使得学校往往只重视学生成
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深入,高考英语试题也发生了相应的变化,语法的考查由原来的单句选择试题转变为了语法填空试题,这就对学生的词汇掌握能力和运用能力有了更高的要求,同时也对学生的英语语境理解能力有了进一步的考查,体现了新课改注重学生实际能力培养的目标。本文从高考语法填空试题入手,积极转变教学理念和方法,以提高学生的实际能力为目标,希望能促进学生更好的发展。  【关键词】语法填空 英语高考 教学方法
【摘要】生态翻译学是一种全新的研究范式,它从跨学科的角度为翻译研究提供全新的视角。“译者為中心”是生态翻译学的核心观点,它与译者主体性在本质上一致的,均要求译者在翻译过程中根据特定的翻译生态环境做出创造性的选择和适应。  【关键词】生态翻译学 译者中心 主体性 《边城》  一、生态翻译学综述  生态翻译学以译者与翻译生态环境的相互关系为研究对象,用生态翻译学的范式,研究各种翻译问题,系统探讨翻译生
【摘要】在数字化环境下采用构建主义理论提升大学生英语写作能力,不仅可以凸显出学生的主体作用,还可以凸显出教师的主导性。因此,本文对大学生写作能力进行了实验性教学研究,通过实验结果,表明该实验教学有益于大学生提升写作能力,提高写作水平。  【关键词】数字化环境 构建主义 大学英语 写作能力 实验  大学英语写作能力是学习英语的运用能力之一。写作是一种交际方式,英语写作过程是输出的过程,也是处理问题的
【摘要】本文以大学英语教学为切入点帮助大学生树立创业观念,激发大学生创业精神,目的在于把创业教育融入大学英语教学中,培养出具备创新创业素质的复合型人才。  【关键词】大学英语教学 创业教育 创业能力  一、引言  作为一种新兴的教育内容,在知识经济时代创业教育是对高等教育发展的一种要求,代表了国内外高等教育的发展方向,反映了整个社会对复合型人才的需求。创业教育源于美国,哈佛大学商学院的教授Myle
【摘要】在英漢翻译过程当中,如何通过科学的翻译策略来促进翻译词义的准确表达是翻译者关注的主要问题,本文主要探讨在英汉翻译中如何有效地促进词义的科学表达。  【关键词】英汉翻译 词义表达 策略  引言  在英汉翻译过程当中,由于英语和汉语所属的文化体系不同,因此,在进行语言对接的过程当中难免会存在着一定的差异,如何从这种差异出发,来实现词义的准确表达是提升英汉翻译水平的重要路径,本文主要尝试探讨如何
【摘要】与传统的机械学习和接受学习相反,以学生为主体的自主学习近年来受到了越来越多的关注和青睐。鉴于此,我在日常的英语学习中开始寻求自主学习的途径,以期通过独立分析、探索、实践、质疑和创造等方法来培养“主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手”的习惯,提升分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力,以更好地适应不断发展的社会。  【关键词】高中英语 自主学习能力 培养  引言  很多同学常抱怨“英语,想说爱你不
【摘要】在英汉翻译实践中,很多时候如果只是照字面翻译,往往难以确切地表达原文的意思。有时需要补充一些原文字面上没有的词或短语;有时又要删除原句中的一些信息。这就涉及到了英汉翻译中的增译与省译。本文将通过在陶瓷英语的文本翻译为例,分析这一现象。  【关键词】增译 省译 陶瓷英语  英语和汉语在语法结构和表达方式等方面存在很大的差异,要使译文等价地再现原文所载的信息,则要求译者既要透彻地理解原文,又要
“嘀铃铃,嘀铃铃!”上课铃响了。今天我在高二(1)班是两节连堂课。同学们对我是翘首以盼,因为今天在这个班级我要开展第一次英语活动——演讲。主题是环境保护,紧扣本周的教学单元,即SEFC Book2 A Unit 9 Saving the Earth。该单元的topic是Nature,ecology 和environment。  首先,课代表走上讲台,俨然一位专业的英语主持。接下来,按照先前的布置,