《历史教学》1996年10期刊载了吕炳丽《求公元年干支纪年的一个方法》一文。该文短小精悍,很有创见。但作者所谈方法只能推算公元后年代的干支,而公元前年代的干支则无从推算。有鉴于此,本文试解决从公元前、后年代求干支年这一难题。 众所皆知,我国历法始于夏朝,故称夏历,亦称阴历、旧历。遗憾的是,迄今尚未发现夏朝文字。人们从商人甲骨文中发现了十天干(甲乙丙丁戊已庚辛壬癸)和十二地支(子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥)组合排列成的六十甲子表,该表可用来纪年,这就是干支纪年法。然而,商朝历法大体上是沿用夏朝的,因此,干支纪年法当出于夏代。探其渊源,则可上溯到更早。
“History Teaching” 1996 the tenth issue contains Lu Bingli “seek a year branch of the first year of a method” article. The article is short and pithy, very creative. However, the author’s method can only calculate the stem and branch of the era after the ad. In view of this, this article tries to solve the problem of going through the years from the BC and the later years. As we all know, the calendar of our country began in the Xia Dynasty, so called the lunar calendar, also known as the lunar calendar, the lunar calendar. Unfortunately, so far no Xia dialect found. People from the businessman Oracle found ten days of dry (B and C Ding Geng Xin Ren decane) and twelve earthly branches (sub-ugly Yin Chen Chen had no unitary Xuhai Hai) combination of sixty Jiazi table, the table can be used for annals, which is dry branch law. However, the Shang dynasty calendars generally follow the Xia and Chao Dynasties. Explore its origin, you can go back to earlier.