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全球最权威的IT研究与顾问咨询公司Gartner前不久发布了2012年位列前十的移动应用,分析师们侧重于平均销售价格超过300美元的高端设备,这些流行的移动应用具有适应移动环境的独特功能,而不仅仅是网络应用向移动终端的延伸。Gartner上海研究总监沈哲怡表示:“移动应用将会是一个竞争激烈的领域,吸引众多利益相关者的注意。越来越多的移动应用将在高端设备上定义用户体验。此外,那些积极在平台上整合创新应用和技术的设备厂商将拥有竞争优势。”移动应用本身不仅能产生较高的收入(2012年终端用户支出费用预计达159亿美元),而且还将推动硬件销售和技术创新,并增加广告支出。Gartner预计,品牌公司将市场营销预算向移动渠道及具有尖端应用的实验上转移,以寻求销售机会。那些与最新发展保持一致的技术厂商和服务提供商将使其产品脱颖而出,提升品牌形象并保持用户忠诚度。以下是Gartner公布的报告中的对2012年位列前十的移动消费应用的预测及展望。 The world’s most authoritative IT research and consulting firm Gartner recently released the top ten mobile applications in 2012, analysts focused on the average selling price of more than 300 US dollars of high-end devices, these popular mobile applications have to adapt to the mobile environment Unique features, not just an extension of web applications to mobile devices. Shen Zhenyi, director of research at Gartner in Shanghai, said: “Mobile applications will be a highly competitive area that will draw the attention of many stakeholders. More and more mobile applications will define the user experience on high-end devices. In addition, Equipment vendors that integrate innovative applications and technologies will have a competitive edge. ”Mobile applications alone will not only generate high revenues (estimated at $ 15.9 billion in end-user spending in 2012) but will also drive hardware sales and technology innovations, And increase advertising spending. Gartner expects brand companies to shift their marketing budget to mobile channels and experiments with cutting-edge applications in search of sales opportunities. Those who are in line with the latest developments in technology vendors and service providers will make their products stand out, enhance the brand image and maintain customer loyalty. The following is a Gartner report released in 2012 on the top ten mobile consumer applications forecast and outlook.
目的 :探讨 CT在急性肠梗阻诊断中的意义。方法 :回顾性分析 45例经手术治疗的急性肠梗阻病人的术前 CT检查资料。结果 :CT对急性肠梗阻病因诊断符合率为 87.1% (2 7/ 31) ,