Helen was a very successfulbusinesswoman.She had alwaysliked nice clothes,and when she hadleft school she had gone and worked ina shop which sold them,not far fromher home.After a few experiments sheshowed that she was very successfulat designing the sorts of things thatwomen want to buy,so after a fewyears the owner of the shop,who wasan oldish lady,offered to make her apartner,“It’s something I should havedone long ago,”she told Helen with asmile.
Helen was a very successfulbusinesswoman.She had alwaysliked nice clothes, and when she hadleft school she had gone and worked ina shop which sold them, not far fromher home .After a few experiments sheshowed that she was very successfulat designing the sorts of things thatwomen want to buy, so after a fewyears the owner of the shop, who wasan oldish lady, offered to make her apartner, “It’s something I should have long ago, ” she told Helen with asmile.