托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison,1931—)是美国当代享有盛誉的黑人女作家。她于1993年荣获诺贝尔文学奖,成为历史上第一位摘得此桂冠的美国黑人女性作家。在“在小说中以丰富的想象力和富有诗意的表达方式,把美国现实的一个极其重要的方面写活了”[1]196。在她的作品中,充分展现了黑人同胞的生活现状与民族精神,不回避历史、不纠结历史,努力探索黑人的历史与命运,彰显出后现代历史语境下少数族裔及女性的权利问题。托尼·莫里森在1986年接受采访时曾说:“我是为黑人妇女写作
Toni Morrison (1931-) is a prestigious black woman writer in the United States. She won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993 and became the first black female writer in the history to win the title. In ”The Novel, with its rich imagination and poetic expression,“ wrote an extremely important aspect of American reality. ”[1] In her works, she fully demonstrated the living conditions and ethos of black compatriots. She did not avoid history, did not intertwine history, tried hard to explore the history and destiny of black people, and demonstrated the rights of ethnic minorities and women in the post-modern historical context . In an interview in 1986, Tony Morrison said: "I wrote for black women