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科技部日前发布了《国家“十一五”科学技术发展规划》(以下简称《规划》)。《规划》指出,“十一五”时期是我国全面落实科学发展观,把增强自主创新能力作为国家战略,加快经济增长方式转变,推进产业结构优化升级,为全面建设小康社会奠定基础的关键时期,是贯彻中共十六届五中全会和全国科学技术大会精神,实施《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006~2020年)》(以下简称《纲要》)的开局阶段。“十一五”科技工作要围绕经济社会发展的迫切需求,根据《纲要》确定的各项任务和要求,明确未来五年的发展思路、目标和重点,大力推进科技进步和创新,为建设创新型国家奠定坚实基础。该《规划》共分“形势与需求”、“思路和目标”、“重点任务”、“体制保障”四部分,全文34000余字。本刊将分期摘登有关内容,每期标题由编者另拟。 Ministry of Science and Technology recently released “National” Eleventh Five-Year “Science and Technology Development Plan” (hereinafter referred to as “Planning”). The “Plan” pointed out: “Eleventh Five-Year” period is a crucial period for our country to fully implement the scientific concept of development, enhance its capability of independent innovation as a national strategy, accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and lay a solid foundation for building an overall well-to-do society Is the start of the implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the National Science and Technology Conference and the implementation of the “Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development Plan (2006-2020)” (the “Outline”). In the 11th Five-Year Plan, scientific and technological work should focus on the urgent needs of economic and social development, make clear the development train of thought, goals and priorities for the next five years according to the tasks and requirements set forth in the “Outline”, vigorously promote scientific and technological progress and innovation, Type of country to lay a solid foundation. The “plan” is divided into four parts, “situation and demand”, “train of thought and goal”, “key tasks” and “system guarantee”, and the full text is more than 34,000 words. The magazine will be phased out the relevant content, each title by the editor separately.
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