中国当归[Angelice sinenses(Oliv.)Diels.]系伞形科植物,其根入药。文献记载当归有补血活血、调经止痛、润燥滑肠等医疗功效。当归是甘肃重要药材之一。岷山当归广销于国内许多省、市.同时,又大宗外销于港、澳、东南亚及日本。 我省岷山一带地区有着适合当归茁壮生长的气候和土壤。因此,我省当归年产量多达数十万斤。此外,四川、陕西、云南也有相当数量当归生产。尽管,国内关于当归制剂研究者较多。但是对于当归化学成份及药效的系统研究却很少进行。
Chinese Angelica sinenses (Oliv.) Diels.] is an umbrella plant and its root is used as medicine. The literature records that Angelica has medicinal properties such as blood circulation, menstrual pain relief, and Runzao stomach. Angelica is one of the important herbs in Gansu. Lushan Danggui is widely sold in many domestic provinces and cities. At the same time, it is also exported to Hong Kong, Australia, Southeast Asia and Japan. The area along the Songshan Mountain in our province has a climate and soil suitable for the vigorous growth of Chinese angelica. Therefore, the annual output of our province’s Chinese angelica amounts to several hundred thousand kilograms. In addition, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Yunnan also have a considerable number of Chinese angelica. Although there are many domestic researchers on Angelica preparations. However, systematic studies on the chemical composition and efficacy of Chinese angelica are rarely conducted.