Effects of Vitamin E on the Activities of Protective Enzymes and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Leym

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyi666
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Leymus chinensis seedlings were treated with 0.05―10 mmol/L vitamin E under osmotic stress in the presence of polyethylene glycol(PEG) as the stress reagent. The effects of the different concentrations of exogenous vitamin E on the activities of SOD, POD and free proline, and the MDA contents under drought stress were examined so as to ascertain the mechanism of Leymus chinensis resistance to drought stress and explore the possible preventive measures. The results indicate that the activities of SOD and POD decreased but the free proline and MDA contents increased as drought stress was accentuated, showing an enhancement of oxidative stress that may cause a decline in membrane stabilization. However, the activities of SOD and POD and the free proline content increased, whereas the MDA content reduced in Leymus chinensis pretreated with vitamin E in comparison with that of the control. This indicates that exogenous vitamin E enhanced the antioxidation of Leymus chinensis seedlings. It suggests that cytomembrane can be protected from damage by increasing the free proline content and the activities of SOD and POD that result in enhancing the drought resistance of Leymus chinensis seedlings. Leymus chinensis seedlings were treated with 0.05-10 mmol / L vitamin E under osmotic stress in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the stress reagent. The effects of the different concentrations of exogenous vitamin E on the activities of SOD, POD and free proline, and the MDA contents under drought stress were examined as as to ascertain the mechanism of Leymus chinensis resistance to drought stress and explore the possible preventive measures. The results that that the activities of SOD and POD decreased but free proline and MDA contents increased as a drought stress was accentuated, showing an enhancement of oxidative stress that may cause a decline in membrane stabilization. However, the activities of SOD and POD and the free proline content increased, whereas the MDA content reduced in leymus chinensis pretreated with vitamin E in comparison with that of the control. This indicates that exogenous vitamin E enhanced the antioxidation of Leymus chinensis seedlings suggests that cytomembrane can be protected from damage by increasing the free proline content and the activities of SOD and POD that result in enhancing the drought resistance of Leymus chinensis seedlings.
摘 要: 在强调文化课学习的主流中学校园文化中,文化课后进生为了获得他者认同和自我认同,往往会形成小群体,并产生一种另类的校园“体育亚文化”。这种校园“体育亚文化”存在诸多问题,学校和教师应积极引导,促进全体学生的全面发展。  关键词: 中学生 文化课后进生 “体育亚文化”  由于受到家庭背景、学习天赋、后天努力等方面的影响,中学生的文化课学习成绩、积极性等都存在一定的差别。具体
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