Gan × ×, female, 43 years old, married, the patient hospitalized for more than a year due to right upper quadrant pain. After examination of hepatic hydatid, 1978.2.6 the first surgery, intraoperative due to multiple liver hydatid, conditions, time and surgical operation difficult circumstances, a hydatid cyst of the liver is not treated, to be re-operative treatment. 1978.12.22 The second liver hydatid surgery, found on the right kidney a pack of insect cysts. Peritoneal incision and other punctured saccarine fluid 500 ml, 10% formalin injection 10 ml, 5 minutes after the removal of the outer capsule to remove the inner capsule, aspiration of cyst fluid, respectively, with 10% formalin, 75 % Alcohol sachet after suture the outer capsule,