Broadband Industry in Predicament
By Dai Feng
About a year after a nationwide crazefor its development, China‘s broadbandindustry now finds itself in a predicament.The reason is pretty simple: returns foroperators are too small to match theinvestment they have made in the industry.
Around the end of 2000, broadbandservices were a popular target forinvestors. That followed bursting of anInternet bubble. Dreaming to conquer amarket even larger than the Internet, ChinaTelecom, China Unicom and many otherlisted companies lost no time to getinvolved in broadband business. They sawbroadband services a source of stableprofits, to which people in huge numberswould subscribe.
The dream was shattered before long.Statistics from the Mckinsey Companyshow that in 2001, the gross output valueof the broadband industry stood at 200-300 million yuan (US$24-36 million), incontrast to a capital injection amountingto 15 billion yuan (USS 1.8 billion) in total.
The economic results, which were sopoor relative to the venture capital input,made both developers and operatorsskeptical. China Telecom has decided toslow down the expansion of its broadbandnetwork. It will try to provideasynchronous digital subscriber line(ADSL), a type of broadband service, onlywhen sure of a profit. The GreatwallBroadband Company has lashed down anambitious plan to invest five billion yuan(US$602 million) in broadband servicesand lure in 10 million subscribers in threeyears.
There are four reasons for such a stateof affair, according to Xie Wen, presidentof the Internet Lab Inc.
First of all, he said, timing forbroadband craze was wrong, as it camewhen the Internet fever had just cooleddown. Secondly, investors wronglythought that broadband services wouldsurely generate quick money. Thirdly, theyused a "wrong operating mode" to expandthe broadband business, a model thatfocuses on increasing connections tosubscribers instead of providing them withmore and better content service. Finally,broadband companies had failed to dowell as Intemet service providers (ISP) orInternet content providers (ICP). Theywere "wrong players" because they beganengaging in broadband services withoutan adequate knowledge of networkoperation.
In my opinion, two issues are vitalto the development of China‘s broadbandindustry. One is how to properly distributeprofits among broadband contentsuppliers on one hand and broadbanddevelopers and operators on the other. Theother is how to multiply the broadbandcontent service. Companies providingbroadband content should get a biggershare of the profits - if any -- because theirservice determines the number ofsubscribers and how long they will usebroadband services.
There are a few suggestions forimproving broadband content service.First, multi-media and interactive servicewith special characteristics should beprovided to broadband surfers. Secondly,Internet web stations should not beseparated from the broadband service. Theoutstanding program producers at webstations and their market awarenessshould be utilized in broadband contentsupply. Thirdly, companies of broadbandcontent service should cooperate witheach other in running urban networks atleast. They should integrate their serviceson the same platforms, to ensure thatsubscribers to broadband services willhave access to richer and more colorfulcontent.
After all, popular broadband servicessuch as video on demand (VOD), real-time music and games have all involveproperty rights. In view of this, thegovernment should formulate a set ofpolicies and statutes effective enough toensure a fast and healthy development ofthe broadband industry.
Broadband Industry in Predicament
By Dai Feng
About a year after a nationwide crazefor its development, China‘s broadbandindustry now finds itself in a predicament.The reason is pretty simple: returns foroperators are too small to match theinvestment they have made in the industry.
Around the end of 2000, broadbandservices were a popular target forinvestors. That followed bursting of anInternet bubble. Dreaming to conquer amarket even larger than the Internet, ChinaTelecom, China Unicom and many otherlisted companies lost no time to getinvolved in broadband business. They sawbroadband services a source of stableprofits, to which people in huge numberswould subscribe.
The dream was shattered before long.Statistics from the Mckinsey Companyshow that in 2001, the gross output valueof the broadband industry stood at 200-300 million yuan (US$24-36 million), incontrast to a capital injection amountingto 15 billion yuan (USS 1.8 billion) in total.
The economic results, which were sopoor relative to the venture capital input,made both developers and operatorsskeptical. China Telecom has decided toslow down the expansion of its broadbandnetwork. It will try to provideasynchronous digital subscriber line(ADSL), a type of broadband service, onlywhen sure of a profit. The GreatwallBroadband Company has lashed down anambitious plan to invest five billion yuan(US$602 million) in broadband servicesand lure in 10 million subscribers in threeyears.
There are four reasons for such a stateof affair, according to Xie Wen, presidentof the Internet Lab Inc.
First of all, he said, timing forbroadband craze was wrong, as it camewhen the Internet fever had just cooleddown. Secondly, investors wronglythought that broadband services wouldsurely generate quick money. Thirdly, theyused a "wrong operating mode" to expandthe broadband business, a model thatfocuses on increasing connections tosubscribers instead of providing them withmore and better content service. Finally,broadband companies had failed to dowell as Intemet service providers (ISP) orInternet content providers (ICP). Theywere "wrong players" because they beganengaging in broadband services withoutan adequate knowledge of networkoperation.
In my opinion, two issues are vitalto the development of China‘s broadbandindustry. One is how to properly distributeprofits among broadband contentsuppliers on one hand and broadbanddevelopers and operators on the other. Theother is how to multiply the broadbandcontent service. Companies providingbroadband content should get a biggershare of the profits - if any -- because theirservice determines the number ofsubscribers and how long they will usebroadband services.
There are a few suggestions forimproving broadband content service.First, multi-media and interactive servicewith special characteristics should beprovided to broadband surfers. Secondly,Internet web stations should not beseparated from the broadband service. Theoutstanding program producers at webstations and their market awarenessshould be utilized in broadband contentsupply. Thirdly, companies of broadbandcontent service should cooperate witheach other in running urban networks atleast. They should integrate their serviceson the same platforms, to ensure thatsubscribers to broadband services willhave access to richer and more colorfulcontent.
After all, popular broadband servicessuch as video on demand (VOD), real-time music and games have all involveproperty rights. In view of this, thegovernment should formulate a set ofpolicies and statutes effective enough toensure a fast and healthy development ofthe broadband industry.