Recalling the domestic and foreign academic circles around Picatty “21st Century Capital Theory” controversy, and reflect on it, not only help us to choose the appropriate path of reflection to treat any controversial theory or school, but also help Establish the direction of theoretical innovation. Just as the fierce debate on “Capitalism in the 21st Century” began, people pointed the spearhead of reflection to whether or not it posed a real theoretical challenge to Marx’s “capitalism.” Such a theoretical response not only had our usual instinctive instincts Type reaction characteristics, but also has its basic characteristics of the rationality. In other words, if Picatti’s theory constitutes an essential challenge to the theoretical kernel of Capital, it is of course necessary to criticize it in a constructive manner. Here, there emerges the critique of theoretical issues. However, if an alien thought or school of thought focuses on the real problems common to mankind, regardless of the theoretical tools it uses to discuss and solve the problem, we do not agree with it. Instead, we respond modestly to its theoretical tools At the same time, our more important focus on this trend of thought or school should be its realistic problems and solutions as well as the referential value of this program.