Epidemiological and pathogenic study on the outbreak of toxic shock syndrome and meningocephalitis c

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong465
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Objective: To reveal the relationship between the biological characteristics of pathogen and the pig to human spread of the epidemic and infectious disease in 1998 in East China. Methods: Epidemiological survey, pathological examination of pigs and patients, and pathogen isolation were performed. Results: The disease had a character of quick onset, serious symptoms, short course and high mortality. The clinical manifestations and pathological changes of the disease were high fever, sometimes with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, then might develop to myositis, fascitis, DIC, multiple organ failure, shock and usually died in 2 3 d. Among 25 patients, 16 manifested clinically as streptococcal toxic shock syndromes and 9 streptococcal meningiocephalitis syndrome. The mortality was 81 25% and 11 11% respectively. Pathogenic bacteria isolated from diseased pigs and patients were found to have some common characteristics in morphology, staining and biological characters. Conclusion: The pathogen isolated from the blood of patients and pigs were identified as streptococci. Objective: To reveal the relationship between the biological characteristics of pathogen and the pig to human spread of the epidemic and infectious disease in 1998 in East China. Methods: Epidemiological survey, pathological examination of pigs and patients, and pathogen isolation were performed. Results: The disease had a character of quick onset, serious symptoms, short course and high mortality. The clinical manifestations and pathological changes of the disease were high fever, sometimes with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, then might might to myositis, fascitis, DIC, multiple organ failure, shock and usually died in 2 3 d. Among 25 patients, 16 manifested clinically as streptococcal toxic shock syndromes and 9 streptococcal meningiocephalitis syndrome. The mortality was 81 25% and 11 11% respectively. Pathogenic bacteria isolated from diseased pigs and patients were found to have some common characteristics in morphology, staining and biological characters pathogen isolated from the blood of patients and pigs identified as streptococci.
<正> “认真加强思想政治工作”,这是党的十三届四中全会提出的当前要特别抓好的四件大事之一。从这次学潮、动乱和反革命暴乱中,我们得到的一个重要教训,也是必须加强思想政治工作。对这个至关紧要的问题,我们要加深理解,提高认识。
我院在中越边境自卫还击战中共收治眼部战伤65例,给予手术处理者24例,手术率为33.4%。现小结如下。一、资料分析 (一)致伤因素(表1) In our hospital, 65 cases of eye war
作者对130例肾移植患者在术后用两种同位素技术进行了511次同位素检查。其方法分为两步: 第一步:应用~(99m)Tc-DTPA估计移植肾的灌注和形态。患者仰卧于γ照相机下,肘静脉注
<正> 思想政治工作是我们党的传家宝,是社会主义精神文明建设的主要组成部分,也是搞好改革开放的重要保证。可是,在赵紫阳同志主持中央领导工作期间,借口“改造”思想政治工作,诋毁和否定党的思想政治工作的优良传统,甚至主张取消政工队伍,使党的思想政治工作大大削弱。通过对动乱和暴乱事件的反思,今后我们应当在抓改革开放的同时,抓好思