菊花广泛分布于我国黄河流域,至今已有3000多年的栽培历史。品种达3 0 0 0多个,是我国的著名花卉。 菊花原产我国,东晋时由朝鲜传到海外。首先传到日本,12世纪初,日本曾将菊花作为国徽图案。1 7世纪,荷兰人来我国经商,将菊花移植到欧洲。18世纪中叶,法国商人又从我国搜集去许多优良的菊种,把菊花引种到了法国。19世纪,英国植物学家福均,将我国和日本的优良菊种进行杂交,在英国得到广泛传播。后来,从英国又传到美洲。于是,原产我国的菊花,便成了全世界人民喜爱的奇花异卉。
Chrysanthemum is widely distributed in the Yellow River basin in China, so far, it has more than 3000 years of cultivation history. More than 3 0 0 0 species, is China’s famous flower. Chrysanthemum originating in China, the Eastern Jin Dynasty spread from North Korea. First spread to Japan, the early 12th century, Japan had the daisy as a national emblem. In the 7th century, Dutchmen came to China for business and transplanted chrysanthemums to Europe. In the middle of the eighteenth century, French merchants collected many fine varieties of chrysanthemums from our country and introduced chrysanthemums to France. In the 19th century, the British botanist Fukuyama hybridized the finest species of Chrysanthemum in our country and Japan and spread widely in the United Kingdom. Later, from the United Kingdom and spread to the Americas. As a result, the chrysanthemum originating in China, has become the world’s favorite exotic flowers.