一、阅读下边长句,按要求回答问题。如果不是深入到中国这样地区辽阔、情况复杂的实际中去,不是深入到经济建设和科学实验的实际中去,不是通过解决纷繁复杂的实际问题来增长才干,不是把放之四海而皆准的马克思主义普遍真理、人类现代的科学技术的最新成就,同中国的政治、经济、科学、文化发展的国情融为一体,怎么能够把事情办好呢?怎么能够建设有中国特色的社会主义呢? 二、阅读下边两段文字,
First, read the long sentence below and answer questions as required. If it is not to go deep into the vast and complex reality of such a region, it does not go deep into the realities of economic construction and scientific experimentation. It does not increase its talents by solving complex and complicated practical problems. It is not universally applicable. The latest achievements in the universal truth of Marxism and the modern science and technology of mankind are integrated with the national conditions of China’s political, economic, scientific, and cultural development. How can we get things done well? How can we build socialism with Chinese characteristics? Second, read the following two paragraphs of text,