
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ABCDEFGHIJKLMN100083
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PURPOSE: To evaluate vincristine and carboplatin with intensive focal treatments in the management of intraocular retinoblastoma. DESIGN: Noncomparative, retrospective interventional case series. METHODS: Setting: Institutional. Patient population: Sixteen patients (11 bilateral, 5 unilateral) with intraocular retinoblastoma. Interventional procedures: Patients were treated with eight courses of vincristine and carboplatin. Intensive focal treatments were administered after two courses of chemotherapy. Main outcome measures: Avoidance of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and eye survival. RESULTS: Twenty eyes (74.1% ) were classified as Reese-Ellsworth Group V. All eyes responded to chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 23 months (range 10 to 33 months) and amedian of 5.5 focal treatments per eye (range 0 to 19 treatments), ocular survival was 81% . Eight eyes (30% ) in five patients received EBRT. CONCLUSIONS: Vincristine and carboplatin combined with intensive focal treatments is an effective regimen for patients with intraocular retinoblastoma. This treatment regimen has outcomes comparable to those of more toxic regimens and merits further evaluation. METHODS: Setting: Institutional. Patient population: Sixteen patients (11 bilateral, 5 unilateral) with intraocular retinoblastoma. Interventional Intensive focal treatments were administered after two courses of chemotherapy. Main outcome measures: Avoidance of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and eye survival. RESULTS: Twenty eyes (74.1%) were classified as a Reese-Ellsworth Group V. All eyes responded to chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 23 months (range 10 to 33 months) and a median of 5.5 focal treatments per eye (range 0 to 19 treatments), ocular survival was 81% Eight eyes (30%) in five patients received EBRT. CONCLUSIONS: Vincristine and carboplatin combined with intensive focal treatment is an effective regimen for patients with intraocular retinoblastoma. This treatment regimen has outcomes comparable to those of more toxic regimens and merits further evaluation.
引言 关于海底沉积物声传播速度的测量方法,是多种多样的。为了尽可能减少样品的扰动和所处环境的差异,以获得可靠的测量数据,应采用现场测量技术。据报道,国外已开展这方面
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白纹伊蚊广州株与北京株、成都株与合肥株进行杂交和反交,其孵化率在60 .1、84.4拓之间,与亲代无明显差别.大多数孵育卵放入水中第1天,卵开始孵化,5天内孵化完毕.杂交、反交
一、临床医学研究的特殊性临床医学研究与基础医学研究的最大不同点,就是主客观条件复杂,难于控制,试验结果也不易恒定。这种矛盾的产生在很大 First, the special nature