The first course of ethics and law is an important course that guides students ’ideological and morality. The improvement of students’ ideological and moral qualities should be more important than the study of knowledge. Quality education requires students to develop simultaneously in many aspects such as morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor. To a certain extent, morality can directly affect the future development of students. Situational teaching can effectively help teachers make the transmission of moral character more vivid, so that the concept of abstract theory more concrete. Situational presentation can enhance students’ emotional resonance with knowledge content. Under the guidance of teachers, students can understand the content of morality and legal system more deeply and start their own thinking and comprehension. Therefore, teachers need to make effective use of situational teaching methods to improve the quality of classroom teaching. This article will try to discuss the effective use of situational teaching in the first morals and legal system teaching and make suggestions for classroom teaching.