Myotonic dystrophy is due to over-amplification of CTG trinucleotide repeats in the 3 ’non-coding region of the MT-PK gene. Reported in the literature normal CTG copy number of 5 to 35 times, while patients in more than 50 times, and ethnic differences. There is currently no information on the population of our country. To understand the distribution of CTG trinucleotide repeats in Chinese Han population, PCR-PAGE and silver-staining techniques were used to analyze the repeats of 159 Han normals in Chengdu and found that Han and other ethnic groups CTG repeats had different copy number distributions. Of the 318 analyzed chromosomes, 14 alleles were found, of which CTG had the highest frequency of 5 copies (39.3%) and the rest 11 (20) .75%), 12 copies (18.24%), 13 copies (11.32%) and 10 copies (4.09). Alleles with copy numbers greater than 14 were rare, accounting for 4.08% and alleles with copy numbers greater than 19 were fewer, accounting for only 0.94%. In addition, few copies of 6 to 9 alleles, only 6 copies and 8 copies of each of the alleles. A total of 40 cases of homozygotes were found, of which 26 cases were 5/5, 6 cases 11/11, 5 cases 12/12 and 3 cases 13/13, the heterozygosity was 74.8%. The polymorphic information capacity of this system Is 0.76.