Good Dog!

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  导读:在美国第二悠久的运动赛事西敏寺犬展(Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show)中,来自德国的指示犬CJ获得冠军;Sophia Rogers 则带领她的6岁猎狐犬Bobby在青年训犬师表演赛中获得最佳称号。
  CJ, a German shorthaired pointer, won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, held February 15~16 in New York City. “It’s exactly like what I imagined,” CJ’s co-owner, breeder, and handler, Valerie Nunes-Atkinson, told the Associated Press, after accepting CJ’s purple-and-gold ribbon and silver-bowl cup last night at Madison Square Garden.
  CJ beat 2,751 dogs from 199 breeds to take the top prize at the nation’s second-oldest sporting event. A Westminster win doesn’t come with a cash prize, but it does have rewards. Today, CJ will make the rounds of the morning talk shows. On Good Morning America, host Michael Strahan asked Nunes-Atkinson if CJ had a pre-show habit, something special that he does before entering the ring. “Absolutely,” Nunes-Atkinson said. “Most of the time he will usually sneeze. He kind of shakes it out.”
  What else is on the schedule for CJ? Traditionally, Westminster’s top dog pays a visit to Sardi’s, a famed NYC restaurant near Times Square, for a special treat—steak.
  In the Westminster Kennel Club’s Junior Showmanship competition, Sophia Rogers, 18, of Bordentown, New Jersey, won with her dog Bobby, a six-year-old American foxhound. Her younger twin sisters, Faith and Emma, 12, also competed.
  Begun in 1934 as the Children’s Handling Class, and renamed Junior Showmanship, in 1951, the competition is open to young people aged from 9 to 18. In this part of the dog show, it’s the human, not the dog, that’s judged. As the first-place winner, Sophia received a $6,000 scholarship for college or technical school. Show organizers say junior competitors are the future of the sport.
  pointer n. 指示犬
  breeder n. 驯养者(breed为原形,意为“品种”)
  ribbon n.缎带
  sneeze v. 打喷嚏
  foxhound n. 猎狐犬
  (Don’t you think these dogs are so cute?)
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[1]    我一直都不明白,这世上怎么会有像张亚菲这样的女生。她那么聪明的脑袋瓜子,怎么说话就不经过大脑,可以完全不顾及别人的感受,而且语不惊人死不休,句句话都有如白晃晃的利剑,直刺得人伤痕累累。  大家刚开始同学时,长相秀美、成绩优秀的张亚菲在班上很受欢迎。虽然她说话傲气一些,但大家并不在意,因为她确实厉害,各科成绩都排在班级前列。课堂上,有什么难题同学们解不出来,最后一个被老师钦点的人,一定
炎热的夏季马上就到了,你想拥有一把自己设计制作的独特扇子吗?你想让你的作品与众不同吗?赶快准备好材料,一起制作吧!  准备材料:白色和黄色的卡纸、皱纹纸,彩笔、勾线笔,以及剪刀、雪糕棒、胶水。  1.將两张卡纸叠放在一起,用剪刀剪出你喜欢的扇面形状(两个相同形状的扇面)。  2.用勾线笔在白纸上勾勒出不同形状的荷叶,再用彩笔涂上颜色,最后用剪刀剪下来。  3.用皱纹纸按荷花花瓣形状剪下许多“花瓣”
I quickened my pace as the dark clouds began to gather in the sky. Before this, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue was beginning to darken into gravel-