教学感言: 教育一直是天下关注的焦点,儿童英语教育在资讯如此发达的今天,更是我们面临的新挑战。站在世纪的交汇点,社会要给孩子什么样的英语学习环境呢? 我们不妨先回顾一下我们自己英语学习的历程:十一、二岁才开始接触A、B、C,先且不说这已经错过了人生中学习语言的关键期,单看学生手中毫无色彩的课本、课堂上老师“填鸭式”的教学方式,下课后还要死记硬背单词、课文……就足以让学生对学习英语产生烦躁与厌倦。
Teaching Testimonials: Education has always been the focus of attention in the world. With the development of such information, children's English education is even more a new challenge for us. Standing at the crossroads of the century, what kind of English learning environment should society give our children? Let us first review our own English learning process: At the age of eleven or two, we only come into contact with A, B and C, let alone this Have missed the critical period in life to learn the language, just look at the students in the hands of colorless textbooks, classroom teacher “spoon-fed” teaching methods, but also rote words after class, text ...... enough for students to learn English produces irritability and boredom.