
来源 :中国防痨杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mscdd5354
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目的报道1984~1995年北京市西城区新发肺结核病人起始耐药性的监测结果。方法全部新发肺结核病人痰培养阳性标本由北京市结核病防治所中心实验室作药敏测定。结果平均起始耐药率为145%,所耐药物以链霉素(110%)及异菸肼(98%)为主,479%的耐药病人耐一药,耐利福平和异菸肼二药的病人的耐药率为16%。起始耐药率与病人年龄及病变严重程度有关(P<001),与性别及空洞有无似无关(P>005)。结论对一个地区新发肺结核病人的起始耐药趋势进行监测是结核病控制工作的一项重要内容,可作为评价该地区结核病控制工作的重要指标之一 Objective To report the results of monitoring the initial resistance of newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis in Xicheng District of Beijing from 1984 to 1995. Methods All newly diagnosed sputum culture positive specimens of pulmonary tuberculosis patients were determined by the laboratory of Beijing Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center. Results The average initial drug resistance rate was 145%. The resistant drugs were streptomycin (110%) and isoniazid (98%), and 479% resistant patients were resistant Drug resistance, rifampicin and isoniazid two drug resistance rate of 1  6%. The initial resistance rate was related to the patient’s age and the severity of the lesion (P <001), but not to the gender and the void (P> 005). Conclusion The monitoring of the initial drug resistance trend in newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients in an area is an important part of tuberculosis control and can be used as one of the important indicators to evaluate tuberculosis control in this area
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