恩格斯在1874年谈及第一国际的终结时写道: “这很好。它是属于第二帝国时期的东西,当时笼罩着整个欧洲的压迫,要求刚刚复苏的工人运动实现统一和抛开一切内部争论。[……]在1864年,运动本身的理论性质在整个欧洲,即在群众中间,实际上还是很模糊的,德国共产主义还没有作为工人政党而存在,蒲鲁东主义很弱,还不能夸耀它的那一套特别的幻想,巴枯宁的那一套新的荒
Engels, referring to the conclusion of First International in 1874, wrote: ”This is fine, it belongs to the period of the Second Reich, which enveloped the entire European oppression and called for the unification and abandonment of the newly revived workers’ movement All internal controversy. [...] In 1864, the theoretical nature of the movement itself was virtually vague throughout Europe, that is, among the masses, that German communism had not yet existed as a workers’ party, that Proudurism was weak and that The special fantasy that can not be boasted of it, the new setback of Bakunin