目的 比较儿科临床中不同高危因素对自动听性脑干反应 (AABR)通过率的影响。方法 应用瞬态诱发性耳声发射 (TEOAE)及AABR技术对 2 4 5名 (488耳 )早产、低出生体重、高胆红素血症、窒息及肺部疾病等高危因素的新生儿进行测试。结果 同一高危因素下两种筛查方法的结果不同。“通过”TEOAE而“未通过”AABR测试的早产新生儿 15耳 ,足月小样儿 3耳 ,高胆红素血症新生儿 1耳 ,窒息新生儿 5耳 ,肺部疾病新生儿 35耳。肺部疾病患儿合并其他高危因素时 ,AABR通过率较单纯肺部疾病者低 ,差异有显著性意义 (χ2 =35 .72 3,P <0 .0 1)。不同高危因素的患儿之间 ,AABR测试的通过率差异有显著性意义 (χ2 =4 0 .5 5 6 ,P <0 .0 1)。结论 在高危因素的影响下 ,其患儿AABR“未通过”率升高 ,表明临床中高危因素对听觉功能具有一定影响 ,在听力筛查中应给予高度重视。
Objective To compare the impact of different risk factors on the pass rate of automatic auditory brainstem response (AABR) in pediatric clinical practice. Methods Twenty-four newborns (488 ears) at risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, hyperbilirubinemia, asphyxia and pulmonary diseases were tested by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) and AABR . Results The results of the two screening methods under the same risk factor were different. 15 ears of premature newborns who “failed” the AABR test, 3 ears of full-term baby sample, 1 infant of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, 5 ears of asphyxiated newborn, and 35 ears of neonatal lung disease. When children with pulmonary diseases combined with other risk factors, the AABR passage rate was lower than those with simple pulmonary disease, the difference was significant (χ2 = 35.72 3, P <0.01). There was significant difference in passing rate of AABR between children with different risk factors (χ2 = 40.556, P <0.01). Conclusion Under the influence of risk factors, the rate of AABR “failed” in children shows that the high risk factors in clinic have a certain influence on auditory function and should be given high priority in hearing screening.