今日之大同,在先贤“己立立人,己达达人”的文化感召下,在贤达校友的精神鼓舞下,继续着教书育人的光辉事业,以对教育的热忱、对学生的关爱、对社会的责任,弘扬大同“大气、正气、书卷气”的教育境界。文化是浸润于学校土壤中的无形财富。1 91 2年,在时局动荡的年代,学校创始人胡敦复先生抱着“教育救国”“科学救国”的理想,以“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”为旨,与立达学社同仁创办大同学院,筚路蓝缕,历经风雨,终成就大同这颗参天大树。今日之大同以“人格健全,才学出众”为培养目标,努力使每
With today’s great culture, inspired by the virtues of alumnae and avant-garde culture, “one who has established oneself and one has reached one’s own footsteps,” we continue with the glorious cause of teaching and educating people, with enthusiasm for education, Care, social responsibility, promote Datong “atmosphere, righteousness, book curiosity ” education realm. Culture is an intangible asset infiltrating school soil. In 1992, in the turmoil of the current situation, the founder of the school, Mr. Hu Dunfu, held the ideal of “saving the nation” and “saving the nation with science.” He wanted to establish himself, “For the purpose, and Rita colleague colleagues founded Datong College, Qilu blueprint, after the storm, the ultimate success of this towering towering tree. Today’s Datong to ”sound personality, ability to learn outstanding " for the training objectives, and strive to make each