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利用国家“八五”科技攻关课题中的13组人群监测和危险因素调查资料,对监测人群的脑卒中事件急性期死亡率与人群危险因素水平作生态学分析,探讨膳食蛋白质(Pro)、动物蛋白质(APro)、盐摄入量与脑卒中死亡率的关系。膳食调查采用连续3天24小时回忆法,人群监测按照世界卫生组织MONICA方案进行。自1991~1995年监测5年,总监测人群25~74岁人口累计821717人。脑卒中年龄标化死亡率:男性为26/10万~165/10万,女性为12/10万~131/10万。经统计学分析,简单相关显示脑卒中死亡率与摄入膳食营养素中的钠钾比呈正相关,与蛋白质呈负相关,在多元回归分析中控制血压和体质指数后,提示蛋白质特别是动物蛋白质和盐除对血压产生影响外,对脑卒中死亡率有直接作用。 Using the survey data of 13 groups of population surveillance and risk factors in the national “Eighth Five-Year” scientific and technological research project, this paper makes an ecological analysis of the acute mortality and crowd risk factors of stroke in monitoring population, and discusses the relationship between dietary protein (Pro), animal Protein (APro), salt intake and stroke mortality. Meal survey using 24-hour continuous 3-day memory, monitoring of the population in accordance with the WHO MONICA program. Since 1991 ~ 1995, monitoring 5 years, the total population of 25 to 74-year-old population survey 821717 people. Age-standardized death rates for stroke were 26/10 million to 165/10 million men and 12/10 to 131/10 million women. By statistical analysis, simple correlations showed that stroke mortality was positively correlated with sodium-potassium ratio in dietary nutrients and negatively correlated with protein. After controlling for blood pressure and body mass index in multivariate regression analysis, it was suggested that protein, especially animal protein and In addition to the impact of salt on blood pressure, stroke mortality has a direct effect.
【摘要】小学英语要始终把培养学生的学习兴趣当作一项重要课题来研究。激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学习效率,从而使教学紧随时代的脚步。在平时教学中,笔者从时尚音乐进入课堂、时尚人物融入课堂、流行话题引入课堂等方面进行了一些探索。  【关键词】兴趣 时尚音乐 时尚人物 时尚话题  在被网络信息充斥的当今社会,“时尚”一词已经不再是成人的专利,许多00后的小学生也开始了对时尚的追逐。既然不可能让学生与时尚隔离
摘 要:新版译林英语在原有教材的基础上在思想性、科学性、趣味性和灵活性上更符合课改的精神。译林新版四年级英语在话题、功能、板块、内容等方面更有趣味性,时效性及交际性。译林新版教材每册书在中段和末尾都有两个Project,每个Project都有一个话题。到底该怎样上好每个Project,笔者想通过两节课做点思考。  关键词:译林版四年级英语;复习课;Project  中图分类号:G623.31文献标