
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bfxbfxabc
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[目的]研究医学专业大学生人格、领悟社会支持与信赖他人的现状及相互作用特征。[方法]使用艾森克人格问卷、领悟社会支持评价量表和信赖他人量表对767名医学专业大学生施测。[结果]①人格测试显示,在精神质、神经质得分上存在性别差异,男女生精神质和内外向得分均高于全国常模,神经质和掩饰得分低于全国常模;领悟社会支持测试显示,社会支持总分及其各维度均存在性别差异,差异有统计学意义。②人格、社会支持及信赖他人相互间均有相关,相关有统计学意义。③神经质、朋友支持和精神质对信赖他人回归效果显著。[结论]人格、社会支持能对信赖他人具有预测,教育者应在考虑学生性别、年级和生源地的前提下,有针对性地采取多样化的教育方式提高大学生信赖他人程度,仅为促进和改善其人际交往环境。 [Objective] To study the personality of undergraduates in medical majors and to understand the current situation and the characteristics of interaction between social support and trust in others. [Methods] A total of 767 medical undergraduates were tested using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, the Perceived Social Support Rating Scale and the Rely on Others Scale. [Results] ①Patients’ personality tests showed that there were gender differences in mental quality and neuroticism scores. The mental quality and the outward-outward scores of boys and girls were higher than those of the national norm, and the scores of neuroticism and disguise were lower than the national norm. Comprehending the social support test, There were gender differences in the total social support scores and in all dimensions, with statistically significant differences. ② personality, social support and trust in others are related to each other, the relevant statistical significance. ③ neuroticism, friends, support and spiritual quality of the trust of others return significant effect. [Conclusion] Personality and social support can predict the trust of others. Educators should adopt diversified education methods to improve the degree of trust of others in college students, taking into account the gender, grade and source of students. Only for promoting and Improve their interpersonal environment.
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