镉及的化合物是一种新的致癌物质,在国内外对它的分析颇有研究,但在分离和富集上存在着一定问题,在分析一些较复杂物质的镉时就遇到了障碍。纸上层析是一种简单易行的分离手段,在镉的分离和鉴定方面很早就有过报导。可是它分离时间长,要求条件严,鉴定不灵敏,没有被人利用。我们使用了用2NHCl饱和的正丁醇作展开剂后,应用了2,2联吡啶亚铁碘化钾作显色剂进行镉的纸上层析试验,认为它分离时间短,效果好,鉴定灵敏,在一般的条件下就可以进行操作,其具体方法如下。 1.分析手续: (1)取含有Cd~(2+)的试液250ml于分液漏斗中,加入10ml氨水,摇匀澄清后分离其沉淀,将清液放入烧杯中加热蒸发浓缩至2—3ml,然后
Cadmium and its compounds are a new kind of carcinogen. Their studies at home and abroad have been studied quite well. However, there are some problems in the separation and enrichment of cadmium and its compounds, which have encountered obstacles in the analysis of cadmium, which is a more complex substance. Paper chromatography is a simple and easy method of separation that has long been reported in the area of cadmium isolation and identification. But it is a long time to separate, demanding conditions, identification insensitive, not being used. We use 2NHCl saturated n-butanol as a developing agent, the application of 2,2-bipyridyl potassium ferric iodide as reagent for cadmium paper chromatography, that it is a separation time is short, the effect is good, the identification of sensitive, Under normal conditions can be carried out, the specific method is as follows. 1. Analytical procedures: (1) Take a 250ml test solution containing Cd2 + in a separatory funnel, add 10ml of ammonia water, shake to clarify and separate the precipitate, put the clear solution in a beaker and evaporate and concentrate to 2 -3ml, then