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如何提高课堂教学效率,这是一个老话题,又是一个常说常新的话题。教学实践告诉我们,学生学习效果如何,在很大程度上取决于教师科学地解读文本,提炼出核心的内容并优化组合成一个个教学的板块。本文拟从小学语文阅读教学中如何设计“主问题”的角度,就提高课堂教学效率谈点管窥之见,以求教于方家。 How to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, which is an old topic, is also a frequently-used topic. Teaching practice tells us that how well a student learns depends largely on how teachers interpret the text scientifically, extract the core content, and optimize the combination into one-on-one teaching piece. This article from the perspective of primary school Chinese reading teaching design how to design the “main problem” point of view, to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching to talk about the point of view, in order to learn from Fang.