评价一节思品课成功与否,必须从教师的教及学生的学两个方面来衡量。一方面看学生的学习状态,因为学生在课堂上良好的学习状态直接影响着他们的发展。它就像一面折光镜,从这里能折射出教师教学行为的优劣;另一方面看教师的教学是否努力寻求适应学生需求与发展的思品教学的途径,以利于提高思品教学实效。 (一)教师活动评价可依据如下评价标准(见附表)
Evaluation of a success lesson thinking lesson, teachers and students must learn from two aspects to measure. On the one hand look at the student's learning status, because students in the classroom a good learning status directly affects their development. It is like a refraction mirror, from here can reflect the pros and cons of teacher teaching behavior; the other hand, to see if the teacher's teaching efforts to find ways to meet the needs of students and development of thinking, in order to benefit to improve teaching effectiveness of thinking. (A) evaluation of teacher activities can be based on the following evaluation criteria (see Schedule)