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  Gu Songfen, a Chinese fighter jet designer, received China’s 2020 top science and technology award for his outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation on November 3.
  Born in 1930 in Jiangsu Province, Gu graduated with a degree in aeronautical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is a research fellow with the Aviation Industry Corp. of China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
  Gu oversaw the aerodynamic design of the Shenyang JJ-1, China’s first jet trainer, and of the Shenyang J-8 and J-8-II, China’s first high-speed, highaltitude interceptors. He established the country’s aircraft aerodynamic design system, pioneered the independent development of fighter aircraft, and continued his aviation strategic research, making a significant contribution to China’s aviation science and technology.
  The award is given out annually to honor distinguished scientists, engineers, and research achievements. The other awardee of 2020 is Wang Dazhong, a reputed nuclear scientist born in 1935.

Promoting Films Overseas

  Guangming Daily October 27
  On October 17, Beijing Normal University and the China National Film Museum jointly issued a report on the global online influence of Chinese movies. Currently, most English reports on Chinese films are created and published by the overseas platforms of domestic media outlets, which do not gain as much traction as those by mainstream foreign channels.
  With increasing channels for international communication, China’s film industry needs to integrate various dynamisms, including celebrated overseas cinema chains, film industry alliances, distributors and social platforms to create a modern and international communication mechanism.
  At times there is no way to avoid ideological or cultural differences in movies. This requires production teams to adjust their original creation according to the cultural traditions of the targeted viewership. Cooperation with foreign directors is also an effective way to present Chinese stories to the world.

Enhancing Foreign Trade Attraction

  Outlook Weekly November 1

  The Fourth China International Import Expo(CIIE) was inaugurated in Shanghai on November 4. The six-day event on global trading demonstrates China’s role as an engine in boosting the global economy.   The world’s first exhibition themed on import at the national-level witnesses China’s pace in expanding its opening up and proactive import endeavors. It also serves as the epitome of the country’s efforts to transform itself into a trading power through coordinating imports and exports.
  China has become the largest trader of goods since 2013 and had ranked second in terms of trade in services for seven consecutive years by 2020. Its trade in goods totaled 32 trillion yuan ($5 trillion) that year, ranking first in the world.
  Yet the country still has a long way to go before turning into a full-fledged trading power. Taking service trade as an example, its proportion in China’s foreign trade is about half that of the U.S., which ranks first in said field.
  Today’s international trade faces many uncertainties, including trade frictions between China and the U.S. and the rising global protectionism. The outbreak of COVID-19 has propelled rapid changes in global supply and industrial chains. Those conditions further complicate China’s foreign trade environment.
  Under such circumstances, China needs to continuously enhance its foreign trade attractiveness by developing high-tech, highquality and high-value-added products.

An Emerging Industry

  People’s Daily October 29
  Robot research and application are important indicators to measure a country’s level of technological innovation and high-end manufacturing. Via unique advantages in several sectors, robots can replace humans to operate in dangerous environments such as under extreme temperatures.
  In recent years, China’s robotic industry has realized remarkable growth, with its products employed in 129 sectors nationwide. In the first eight months of this year, the output of industrial robots in the country increased by 63.9 percent year on year.
  The achievements made in the domestic robotic industry should be attributed to the support of the market. The integration of advanced technologies, such as cloud computing and bionic sensing systems, empowers robots by enhancing their ability to receive feedback and learn. Today’s huge market demand and rich application scenarios consistently boost the industry’s continuous upgrade and innovation.
  However, it should also be noted that China’s robot industry is still in its early stages of development, requiring the reinforcement of basic research and swifter breakthroughs in core technologies.


  Li Zehou, a famous Chinese philosopher, died on November 3 at the age of 91.
  Born on June 13, 1930, in Changsha, Hunan Province, Li graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Peking University in 1954. He was a researcher with the Institute of Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and further held an honorary doctorate in the humanities from Colorado College in the United States.
  Li mainly engaged in the study of philosophy, aesthetics and intellectual history. He authored The Critique of Critical Philosophy—A Review of Kant, The Course of Beauty, among others, which all wielded a great deal of influence over the field of philosophy.
  As one of the most significant contemporary philosophers, Li inspired many people during his lifetime.
  “With several bumper harvests, China’s growing wheat stocks are sufficient to meet consumer demand for a year and a half. Mounting grain reserves can ensure China is basically self-sufficient in grain with the supply of staple food absolutely safe.”
  Qin Yuyun, Director of the Food Reserve Department with the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, at a press conference on November 3
  “Hong Kong must continue to enhance logistics information flow and intermodal operations while taking advantage of the financial hub’s extensive network and connectivity to fully capitalize on the opportunities offered by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.”
  Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, at the 11th Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference, on November 2
  “China had to introduce a zerotolerance and zero-transmission policy, as the current Delta variant spreads fast and replicates very quickly. It is expensive to pursue such a policy, but the cost will be higher when we ignore it and let it spread.”
  Zhong Nanshan, China’s top epidemiologist, in an interview with CGTN on November 1
  “The record highs in the turnover and profits of member companies of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China are an epitome of the vitality of the Chinese economy and the positive effects of China’s endeavors to deepen opening up and optimizing the business environment.”
  Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, at the ministry’s regular press conference on November 3
医疗服务,从来都不是单纯的消费型商品。  医保、医院和患者之间的关系,总让人无法一言道出。“永远有矛盾。”一位医保系统人士这样说,但又是一种共生关系。  因此,医保与医院的角力也从未停歇。在支付过程中,各自的力量此消彼长,一度经历过矛盾最突出的时刻——医院公开称因医保额度不够,无法收治病人。  这让推行新一轮医疗费用支付改革方案的人非常谨慎。  支付方式一直被视为医疗机构、医保和患者之间的杠杆,引
四年前,远毅资本合伙人杨瑞荣投资了刚成立不久的数坤科技。那时,这家医疗AI企业只有毛新生和马春娥夫妻俩,以及一份计划书。  “哪怕比其他天使项目贵,我也觉得值。”杨瑞荣敢于如此早期地投资一家医疗AI企业,一方面看好行业的未来,另一方面是对前IBM首席科学家毛新生的认可。  这是2017年医疗AI融资的一个缩影。  一位行业从业者曾笑称,之前,医疗AI领域的大部分公司主要通过使用公开数据集对公开模型
大街上的灵车经过,家长们会遮住小朋友的眼睛,担心看到“脏东西”。生老病死,最后一环总是成为一个禁忌话题。  可有这么一群人,每天与死亡打交道,负责遗体接运、遗容整理、火化、告别仪式……这似乎与“不吉利”挂钩,所以,很多时候他们都不谈论自己的职业。  他们是入殓师。  在北京工作的小林,对这一群人一直心存感激,因为十年前,他们让拉扯小林长大的外婆体体面面、有尊严地为自己的生命画上句号。  那时候家人
2021年2月9日,海南三亚市一家医院的心脏支架手术现场,医护人员展示集采后的“百元级”心脏支架。图/人民视觉  近年来医保改革持续推进,“集中带量采购”成为绕不开的话题。目前,国家集采已从最初的药品领域,进一步向器械、诊断延伸,并自上而下地深刻影响着医疗服务终端业态。从医疗大健康产业到资本市场,都不得不正视集采所带来的影响。  鉴往知来,向史而新。在集采已步入常态化的当下,变革既带来了挑战,也为
10月29日,五粮液(000858.SZ)交出了一份稳健增长的三季报成绩单。  报告显示,2021年1月-9月,五粮液实现营业收入497.21亿元,同比增长17.01%;归母净利润173.27亿元,同比增长19.13%。这也是自2016年以来,五粮液已实现连续23个季度两位数增长。  从财报来看,五粮液三季度整体业务数据继续向好,尤其是在营收、净利润继续保持两位数增长的同时,五粮液前三季度现金流大
反电信网络诈骗法草案(下称草案)公开征求意见仅半个月,就已经有2164人提出了5385条意见,远远超过同期其他征求意见的法律草案。公众对其的关注程度可见一斑。  10月19日,草案提请十三届全国人大常委会第三十一次会议初次审议。  该草案从技术和制度两个层面,强化了预防和打击电信网络诈骗犯罪的力度。草案落实实名制,规定电话卡、互联网服务真实信息登记制度;对非法买卖、出租、出借电话卡、物联网卡、金融
三年前,国家医保局在全国掀起打击欺诈骗取医疗保障基金专项行动“回头看”,重点查处套取医保基金的违法违规行为。  此次行动,在全国共检查定点医疗机构和零售药店19.7万家,查处违法违规定点医药机构6.6万家,其中解除医保协议1284家、移送司法127家,查处违法违规参保人员2.4万人。  医疗保险欺诈事件频繁发生,造成了医疗保险基金的严重透支和医疗资源的不必要浪费。  近年来,全国公安机关也加大对欺
晚上八九点钟,拖着工作一天又被公共交通工具摧残不轻的身体回到家,急不可耐地窝进沙发,或者直接躺上床,拿出手机。也说不上来具体要看什么,哪怕无所事事地看些短视频。再一抬眼,时间已过凌晨。  熬到不得不睡觉的时间,夫妻互道晚安,迎接下一天的循环。  身边的年轻人这样描述工作之外的生活,“根本不想有什么性生活,太累了。”一位年轻人说,躺平最好。  这是现代年轻人的共性,还只是个别经历?越来越多的全球研究
On November 1, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written statement to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. He offered a three-point proposal, including upholding multilateral consensus,
The world set a goal in the Paris Agreement: to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius of preindustrial levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has explained why this is a valid