A method for computing the thermal response of the optical viewing windows on thereentery manned spaceship is presented in this paper. The solutions were obtained throughthree loosely coupled modules, which were the model to calculate the charring materialthermal response and ablation, the model to predict the heat transfer with simplified fluxdivergence of radiation in multiple glass, and the model of independent-action radiation onthe inner surface of cavity and slit. Three dimensional computations for both steady-stateand trajectory-based transient heating condition were performed here.
A method for computing the thermal response of the optical viewing windows on thereentery manned spaceship is presented in this paper. The solutions were obtained throughthree loosely coupled modules, which were the model to calculate the charring materialthermal response and ablation, the model to predict the heat transfer with simplified flux divergence of radiation in multiple glass, and the model of independent-action radiation on the inner surface of cavity and slit. Three dimensional computations for both steady-state and trajectory-based transient heating condition were performed here.