温州市电信局坚持两个文明建设同步规划、同步发展,使二者形成了齐头并进的局面:全市程控交换机总谷量已达到203万门,比改革开放初期增加了101倍;精神文明建设硕果累累,瑞安局荣获全国文明单位称号,乐清、永嘉两局荣获省级文明单位称号,温州市局及平阳、苍南、泰顺、文成、洞头局荣获市级文明单位称号,实现了全局文明建设一片红。他们的主要做法是: 一、加强领导,做到“四个到位” 一是认识到位。各局党委认真学习关于“两手抓,两手都要硬”的论述,始终把行风建
Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Communications adhere to the simultaneous planning of the two civilizations, simultaneous development, so that the two formed a go hand in hand: the city’s total PBX has reached 2.03 million program-controlled switches, an increase of 101 times the initial reform and opening up; fruitful spiritual civilization , Ryan won the title of national civilized unit, Yueqing, Yongjia won the title of provincial civilized units, Wenzhou Municipal Bureau and Pingyang, Cangnan, Taishun, Wencheng, Dongtou won the title of municipal civilized units, to achieve a global civilization red. Their main approach is: First, to strengthen leadership, so that “four places” First, recognize the place. Party committees of all levels conscientiously study the theory of “grasping both hands and both hands hard”