A Proposal for Responsible Conduct of GM Technology Research and Development

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duyalengp
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Genetically modified(GM)technology is an inevitable result of the rapid development of modern science and technology.With broad application prospects in fields such as medicine,industry,agriculture,environmental protection,energy and new materials,it will certainly provide new development space for human society.However,as with other high technologies,its nonstandard R&D activities and misuse might raise safety risks.For this reason,the Presidium of Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASAD)calls on practitioners of GM technology research and development(including basic and applied research,and product development),and those involved in the research and development of safety monitoring,evaluation,and Genetically modified (GM) technology is an inevitable result of the rapid development of modern science and technology. Wide application application in in days such as medicine, industry, agriculture, environmental protection, energy and new materials, it will certainly provide new development space for human society. Despite, as with other high technologies, its nonstandard R & D activities and misuse might raise safety risks. For this reason, the Presidium of Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASAD) calls on practitioners of GM technology research and development ( including basic and applied research, and product development), and those involved in the research and development of safety monitoring, evaluation, and
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介绍氨合成塔进出物料换热器定期检验时 ,在壳体焊缝外壁发现两处宏观裂纹后 ,进行的荧光磁粉探伤及分析 Introduce the ammonia synthesis tower out of the material heat