33岁的海军少校格雷格·安德森头戴氧气罩坐在他驾驶的 F/A-18“黄蜂”战斗机中,深吸一口气,在北卡罗来纳海湾即将进行的空中战斗演习中整装待发。安德森毕业于云集美国海军精英的一流学校,参加过海湾战争,并已从一名现役运输机飞行员转为全职预备队队员。这样,他就有更多的时间同家人在一起了,他已经飞过无数次这样的模拟战斗演习——以超音速在相距500英尺之内,与“敌机”激战。1996年4月23日下午,安德森和其他两名“黄蜂”飞行员——32岁的海军少校格雷格·斯塔布斯和
The 33-year-old Naval Major Greg Anderson sat in his F / A-18 Hornet fighter with his oxygen mask in a deep breath, ready to take off in the upcoming Air Combat Exercise over the North Carolina Bay. Anderson graduated from a first-class school that gathered in the ranks of the US Navy elite, participated in the Gulf War and has moved from being an active-duty transport pilot to a full-time reserve team member. As a result, he had more time with his family and he had flown countless times of such simulated combat exercises - fighting enemy aircraft at speeds within 500 feet of the supersonic. On the afternoon of April 23, 1996, Anderson and two other “wasps” pilots, 32-year-old Naval Major Greg Stubbs and