“环境问题实际上是人——环境问题。必须研究:由人们引起变形、创造出来的环境给人带来的影响及其后果;这种由人们引起变形、创造出来的环境是怎样形成的,对于人们来说,什么样的环境才是最适宜的,等等。”这里提出了研究人为环境的三个问题,即:环境的作用,环境的形成和环境的评价。这同样是研究中小学校园环境的三个主要方面。 学校作为培养、教育青少年的场所,校园环境自有其特殊的意义,它的作用已经超越了满足教学活动的物质空间,它还对使用主体产生教育和精神感受的影响。
“Environmental issues are actually human-environmental issues. It is necessary to study: the effects and consequences of the changes caused by people, the created environment, and how the environment created by people's deformation and creation is formed. For people, what kind of environment is the most suitable, and so on.” Here are three issues for the study of the human environment, namely: the role of the environment, the formation of the environment and the evaluation of the environment. This is also the study of the three main aspects of the campus environment in primary and secondary schools. As a place for cultivating and educating youngsters, the school environment has its own special meaning. Its role has surpassed the material space for meeting teaching activities. It also exerts influence on the use of the subject for educational and spiritual experience.