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基础薄弱初级中学薄弱的原因是多方面的,其中重要原因之一,是没有树立以学生为主体的办学思想。当然,没有树立以学生为主体的办学思想,并不等于办学没有主体。目前在基础薄弱初级中学里,以教材为主体的情况是很突出的。学校一切工作都在围绕着教材转,强行要求学生适应教材。教材是构成教学过程的基本要素之一,是教师用来使学生获得发展的重要手段,又是学生用来使自己获得发展的重要手段。要使学生获得发展和学生要使自己获得发展,都需要教材,因此,教材在办学育人过程中的作用是很重要的,但教材的重要作用并没有改变它在这个过程中的中介物地位。教材是应办学育人的需要而产生的,教材产生之后,是作为办学育人的手段存在的,所以把教材变成办学育人的主体是不适当的。以教材为主体带来的后果是什么呢?首先是颠倒 There are many reasons for the weak foundation of junior high schools. One of the important reasons is that there is no thought of running schools with students as the main body. Of course, failure to establish a school-based thinking that takes students as its mainstay does not mean that there is no main body for running schools. At present, in the basic weak junior high schools, the teaching material is the main body of the situation is very prominent. All work in the school revolves around teaching materials, forcing students to adapt to teaching materials. Teaching materials constitute one of the basic elements of the teaching process, is an important means teachers use to enable students to develop, but also an important means used by students to make their own development. Therefore, the role of teaching materials in running a school is very important, but the important role of teaching materials does not change its status as an intermediary in the process . The teaching materials are generated by the need of educating and educating people. After the teaching materials are produced, they exist as a means of running a school and educating people. Therefore, it is not appropriate to change the teaching materials into the main body of running a school. What are the consequences of teaching materials as a mainstay?
[摘要]教学不单纯是要教会学生对知识的掌握,还需要引导学生掌握学习方法,语文是小学教学中非常重要的核心科目,所以语文教学在引导学生学习方式转变方面应该发挥积极的作用,笔者结合自己的工作,就相关的问题谈谈自己的看法。  [关键词]语文教学 学习方式 引导 转变  [中图分类号]G427 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1006-5962(2012)03(a)-0097-01  新课程的实施和教师教育思
这篇文章文笔清新,语言生动活泼,风趣幽默,父亲的音容跃然纸上,读后令人忍俊不禁。 This essay is fresh and fresh, the language is vivid and lively, humorous, his fat