八佰伴公司的兴衰史与最终破产给予人们的启示是明确的:经济规模并不等于规模经济,商业经营必须适应于千变万化的市场状况。对于一个企业来说,革新经营方式是极为重要的。如果片面追求经济规模的扩张,即使是实力雄厚的商业巨人,在激烈的商战中也将难逃厄运。 在八十至九十年代,八佰伴公司的业务曾取得迅猛发展,很快就从一个日本地方性超市集团成长为具有国际声誉的商界巨人。但是,由于多种原因,八佰伴公司的经营状况从1996年11月开始恶化,并最终于1997年9月18日宣布破产。八佰伴公司在破产时负债总额已高达1613亿日元,是日本战后流通业中规模最大的一次破产。这家销售网络遍及日本、香港及中国大陆的巨型百货公司如此迅速地陷入崩溃,实在令人惊讶。有关人士指出,规模扩张过快、市场定位不明确、缺乏银行支持是其破产的主要原因。
The rise and decline of Yaohan Company and the revelation to the people in the final bankruptcy are clear: the economic scale does not mean economies of scale and the commercial management must adapt to the ever-changing market conditions. For a business innovation management is extremely important. If one-sided pursuit of economic expansion, even the powerful commercial giant, will also be fled in the fierce commercial war fate. In the 80’s and 90’s, Yaohan’s business grew rapidly and it soon grew from a group of Japanese local supermarkets to an internationally renowned business giant. However, for a variety of reasons, Yaohan’s business conditions deteriorated from November 1996 and eventually ended in bankruptcy on September 18, 1997. Yaohan’s total liabilities in bankruptcy reached as much as 161.3 billion yen, making it the largest bankruptcy in Japan’s circulation after the war. It was surprising how quickly the giant department store with its sales network in Japan, Hong Kong and mainland China collapsed. The source pointed out that the expansion of the scale too fast, the market is not clear positioning, lack of bank support is the main reason for bankruptcy.