目的分析某军校一起流行性腮腺炎暴发的流行病学调查与处理情况。方法设计流行病学调查表,收集每一位患者资料,统计分析相关数据。描述该次疫情暴发的一般情况、病例的三间分布,分析暴发原因及对有效预防流腮提出可行性建议。结果 1人发病后在21 d内致15人感染患病,罹患率为15.7%,3人并发睾丸炎,4人并发感染流感病毒/副流感病毒/腺病毒,患者分布于10个班级;有3人在小学期间曾有过患病史。结论近年成人特别是大学生流行性腮腺炎发病率有上升趋势,应加强学员学习生活环境通风消毒,对新生开展麻腮风疫苗的接种,从而有效控制麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹在校园的流行。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological investigation and treatment of mumps outbreak in a military academy. Methods Epidemiological questionnaire design, collect data for each patient, statistical analysis of relevant data. Describe the general situation of the outbreak, the three distributions of the cases, analyze the causes of the outbreak and put forward feasible suggestions for the effective prevention of mumps. Results One person was infected with 15 people within 21 days after onset, the attack rate was 15.7%, 3 patients complicated with orchitis and 4 patients were infected with influenza virus / parainfluenza virus / adenovirus. The patients were distributed in 10 classes; Three people had had a history of illness during primary school. Conclusions In recent years, the prevalence of mumps among adults, especially college students is on the rise. Ventilation and disinfection of students’ learning and living environment should be strengthened to vaccinate newborn mumps vaccine so as to effectively control the epidemic of measles, mumps and rubella in schools.