据有关科学家考察:以现有开采量为标准来计算,全球石油资源将在七十余年后消失殆尽。那么,以汽油、柴油作为主要燃料的现代汽车又将何去何从呢? 俗话说,“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”,人类已经为汽车的未来能源作出了许多可行性探索。其中,以燃料电池作为替代能源的方案最具有前瞻性,并迅速成为世界各大汽车公司竞相争占的技术制高点。燃料电池最大的优点是其源源不断、毫不枯竭,这样就为以燃料
According to the investigation of scientists: Calculated on the basis of the current amount of exploitation, the global oil resources will disappear after seventy years. So, where the modern car with gasoline and diesel as the main fuel will go from here? As the saying goes, “mountains of water no doubt, a golden age,” mankind has made a lot of feasibility for the car’s future energy exploration. Among them, the fuel cell as an alternative energy program the most forward-looking, and quickly became the world’s major car companies competing technical commanding heights. The biggest advantage of fuel cells is its endless stream, not exhausted, so as to fuel