标点销售系列专题之十一 业绩评估的依据和方法

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上期结尾的一个案例涉及到业绩评估的原则问题,那就是,不同的业绩评估依据和方法会产生不同的销售行为,而不同的销售行为将会深刻地影响着企业的现在和未来的命运。本专题将以销售行为学所提供的销售业绩评估的依据和方法,对销售业绩的评估活动进行介绍。销售行为学的业绩评估有两个基本原则:(1)业绩评估必须能够反映并鼓励不断有效地参与客户方价值形成和交换过程的销售行为,即销售行为学的评估不但要看已取得的销售结果,而且还要把握已展开的销售过程能拿到订单的可能性,以及已取得的订单未来的可重复性。(2)业绩评估中的“软”指标不能“软”在销售方的主观看法中,而应被有根有据地定义在客户方价值形成和交换过程中关键人自己的“逐利性”的认知、心理和行为规律上。 One case at the end of the last issue relates to the principle of performance appraisal, that is, different performance appraisal bases and methods will produce different sales behaviors, and different sales behaviors will profoundly affect the fate of enterprises now and in the future. This topic will be based on sales behavior provided by the sales performance evaluation based on the methods and methods of sales performance assessment activities are introduced. There are two basic principles in performance evaluation of sales behavior: (1) Performance evaluation must reflect and encourage continuous and effective participation in the sales process of customer value formation and exchange process. The evaluation of sales behavior not only depends on the sales achieved As a result, but also to grasp the possibility that an opened sales process can get an order, and the future repeatability of an order that has been made. (2) The “soft” index in the performance appraisal should not be “soft” in the subjective view of the seller, but should be well-defined by the key person’s own “profitability” in the formation and exchange of the client’s value. Cognitive, psychological and behavioral laws.
正如瓜熟蒂落一般,中国广告业从改革开放至二十世纪九十年代初前后,历经十几年的艰辛和积淀,孕育并催生了中国广告的评奖活动。 1989年的“全国优秀广告作品展”、1991年的“
摘要:小学英语课堂创设情景教学模式,是指教师还原原生态英语语言环境,促进学生英语语言的组合能力和表达能力的提升,来有效实现教学目标的教学方法。课堂采取多媒体授课、游戏贯穿课堂、英文歌曲、单词竞赛等情景方式,让学生真实走进语言环境去切身体验听和说。这不仅激发学生的学习兴趣,更能潜移默化地培养学生的英语表达能力,开发思维和空间想象。本文在此结合实践,探讨了小学英语的情境教学活动带来的魅力。  关键词:
有销售数据显示,上海申龙客车2006年共产销各类客车1900辆; 2006年1~10月份实现产值4.16亿元,收入3.35亿元。回首上海申龙发展的昨天,审视申龙的今天,这个客车行业的新秀将如何
Production and sales in China’s auto industry in 2006 exceeded 7 million units, both 23 percent up over the previous year. Compared with other world markets, a