一、对小麦赤霉病测报的初步实践: 1974年武昌地区小麦赤霉病发生很轻。据我们5月中、下旬在华中农学院与武昌县流芳公社伟大大队两地的不同类型田块内调查,病穗率均在2%左右。结合当年的菌源数量和气象情况进行了初步分析,认为菌源是本病发生的基础,气象条件是影响发病程度的重要因素。 1、菌源:稻丛上的子囊壳是导致小麦赤霉病发生的菌源,此病发生的迟早、轻重与子
First, the initial practice of the report of the test of wheat scab: wheat scab in Wuchang area in 1974 occurred very light. According to our investigation in mid-to-late May in Huadong Agricultural College and the great brigade of Liufang commune in Wuchang County, the rates of disease panicles were both around 2%. Combined with the current number of bacteria and meteorological conditions conducted a preliminary analysis that the source of bacteria is the basis for the occurrence of this disease, meteorological conditions affect the severity of an important factor. 1, bacteria source: the carapace on the rice plexus is the cause of wheat scab pathogens, the disease occurs sooner or later, the light and the child