在加强精神文明建设中,邓小平同志特别突出地强调必须对广大人民进行有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的“四有”教育,对这一教育的重要性、紧迫性,《邓小平文选》中有诸多阐述。 回顾十余年来开展“四有”教育的经验,我认为其成功点和需要加强点,均在于必须把“四有”教育作为一项“系统工程”常抓不懈,一以贯之。 在指导思想上把“有理想”真正放在“四有”之首。“四有”中四者的关系虽然是相互联系、相辅相成的,但“有理想”是第一位的,特别是在发
In the process of strengthening the building of spiritual civilization, Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized in particular the importance and urgency of having an ideal, moral, cultural and disciplined “four positive” education for the broad masses of the people. “The Selection of Deng Xiaoping There are many explanations. Looking back more than a decade of experience in carrying out the ”four positives“ education, I think the point of success and the need to be strengthened lie in the fact that we must always adhere to the ”four positives“ education system as a ”systematic project.“ In the guiding ideology, ”ideal“ really on the ”four have“ the first. Although the relationship among the four is mutually linked and mutually reinforcing, ”there is an ideal" is the first one, especially in the hair