Teaching for News English

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  1 The lead function and styles
  Generally, the lead of a piece of news can reflect the key points of the news body. You can nearly get the factors and general meaning of the body just by having a sight of the lead. Besides, the lead always determines the theme of the news: sad、happy、praiseworthy or critical. The last one, but the most important one is it will attract the readers’ attention and interest. In fact, the lead is part of the body, usually, it been located as the first paragraph, but for its important function we need to study it particularly.
  2 New words and phrases
  In the special political economic and social environment more and more new words or phrases are being produced, they are easy to be accepted by the readers. For example: “think”、”tank”, their original meanings are “思考” and “箱柜” ,but the English news writers use “think tank” as a phrase which means “智囊團”.
  The development of the science, also enlarges the news English vocabulary, such as “Apollo” “moonwalk” “moon fall” “earthrise” and so on.
  Intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequent in which the news medias play an important role. As a result, there are foreign words adapted by the news medias especially some words about fresh things or affairs. In the body, these words are usually printed in capitalization or italics. As the words become more and more normal, they have became completely English words, such as “visa” borrowed from France, “blitz” from German, “Kungfu”、 “tycoon” from China, “judo” from Japan ,“percapita” from Latin.
  3 Flexible using of old words
  Generally, the method of adding new meanings to old words and changing original class of the words are normal for English news writing.
  Flexible meaning : In the process of news English development, readers and writers are becoming more and more prefer to the method, because it can make the words become more and more vivid and expressible. Although, the words’ meanings have no relation at all with their original meanings, they appear frequently in the news English. For example: “leg” refers to a part of human body, but read the following report:
  Flying to Brussels on the second leg of his five nation European tour, Bush will take his case directly to the north Atlantic Treaty Organization’s leaders in an appearance at the western security alliance’s headquarters.
  Obviously, “leg” doesn’t refer to a part of human body, but a station of Bush’s trip.
  Flexible word class : It is common among nouns、verbs and adjectives for making the sentences simple、short and novel.   Firstly, verbs are used as noun. For example:
  Afghans were set to make U.S.–backed Humid Kauai their new leader, but some delegates walked out of the their offices on Wednesday saying they had not been given a say after 23 years of conflict.
  “say” is a verb, but here it means “the right to speak and make a decision”.
  Secondly, adjectives are used as verbs. For example:
  “okay” is an adjective meaning “ok、good、not bad ” we can say “I hope every thing is okay”, but in these sentences “pentagon okays work on missile test site”, “US house panel Okay missile defense funds” “okay” is equal to “agree to, approve of”
  Thirdly, flexible proper noun. The transformation of proper nouns’ meaning is also one of news English predominant characteristics. The proper nouns such as persons’ or a places’ names are used instead of countries 、governments or cities. For example:
  This article has a great significance. First of all, it strengthens our English knowledge about English news reading. And then put our theories into practice, meanwhile, exercises our language manipulation and reading abilities.
  The research on the news English reading has been worked for many years. Many English teachers have made many great achievements in this field, so this article is only an exploration. We believe that there will be more and more teachers who will set about in further researches in this field and the reading knowledge of news English will be mastered by students better and better.
摘要:新教材的不断改进和完善,需要英语教师创新教学方法,努力去激发学生的学习兴趣,有效指导学生采取个性化的学习策略,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。  关键词:阅读教学 兴趣 能力 策略  21世纪是知识经济的时代,也是信息的时代。英语是传输信息的重要工具之一。一个人英语阅读能力的高低,往往决定了他吸收有用信息的数量和质量。所以,有效培养学生的英语阅读能力具有重要意义。笔者根据多年的英语教学实践
摘要:图形—背景理论是认知语言学的一个重要理论,该理论以突显原则为基础。许多语言研究者用它解释各种各样的语言现象。本文旨在介绍该理论的基本内容和发展的基础上,探讨该理论与大学英语教学之间的关系,以期对大学英语教学提供帮助。  关键词:图形—背景理论 突显原则 大学英语教学  一、引言  大学英语教学不同于英语专业教学,因为大学英语教学是集精读、泛读、语法、翻译、写作、口语、听力为一体的教学过程
摘要:新课程改革给英语课堂教学注入了新的活力,也给课堂教学提出了更高的要求。在新形势下,高中英语课堂教学要从实际出发,要充分体现课堂教学的高效性、生活性和研究性学习。  关键词:高中英语 课堂教学 研究性学习  要想培养真正意义上独立健全的人,必须树立学生自主发展的意识,培养学生研究性学习的品质。现在,我就平时英语教学中学生研究性学习能力的探索与研究谈几点自己的看法。  一、高中英语教学中研究
In the United States, the juvenile delinquency has become a more and more serious social problem, and it brings some unstable social factors. still serious. What is the reason of th juvenile crime in
【内容摘要】小学英语教师应该表现出自己是一个强者,是一个充满热情的智者,要使自己的教学充满活力。同时还要和学生处于平等地位,注意倾听小学生的声音,真诚地和他们讨论,关心和帮助他们,千万不要伤害他们的自尊心。和谐的课堂教学气氛有利于培养和发展学生积极的情感态度,这是小学英语教师必须认识到的问题。  【关键词】小学 英语 教学  多媒体技术、网络技术的普及为小学英语课开辟了一条新的道路。在小学英语
摘要:新课程标准指出,英语作业的设计应具有科学性、合理性,教师必须根据学生的年龄特征、特定的学生群体、教材、教学时间和教学要求布置相应的作业。本文就此论述了高中英语作业有效性的相关问题。  关键词:新课标;高中英语作业;有效性  高中英语作业是高中英语教学过程中的一个重要组成部分,是学生学习和掌握英语的重要手段,因此英语作业的设计和评价是英语教学中的必要部分。但作业的设计与评价方式没有像课堂教学设
摘要:结合话题导入,引导学生进入角色,运用所学进行交际,培养和强化语言交际能力。  作为以培养学生语言交际能力为目的的初中英语对话课,是整个初中英语教学中一个必不可少的重要组成部分。它以丰富的情景设计,实用易学的句型和表达法,以及与课文紧密联系的话题和内容,为教师培养学生的交际能力提供了大量的语言材料,并为培养学生的口头表达能力奠定了基础。  初中英语教材的每个模块都围绕着某一话题设计了极具交际功