美国的 Finnare & Haley 公司在去年5月,用一种称作 Mettler 系统的新式电子天平,取代了过去靠技术员用手工测试涂料试样干重及挥发物含量的落后方法。过去那种方法不但慢而且易于发生操作上的错误,一般的分析时间需要90分钟,新系统简化了称重和干燥试样的过程并能自动将克数转换为百分比。这个系统由一个连接着程序分析控制单元和红外线干燥器的电子天平组成。程序分析控
In May last year, the Finnare & Haley company in the United States replaced the backward method of manually testing the dry weight and volatile content of paint samples by technicians using a new electronic balance called Mettler system. The old approach was not only slow but also prone to operational errors. The typical analysis took 90 minutes. The new system simplified the process of weighing and drying the sample and automatically converted grams to percentages. The system consists of an electronic balance connected to a program analysis control unit and infrared dryer. Program analysis control