1888年,法国作家莫泊桑沿着地中海之滨作了一次短期航行,每天把他的见闻和感想记了下来,大如治国平天下的妙语名言,小为风乍起时的海水微澜,无论是大人物的小事还是小人物的大事,他都谈得娓娓动听,令人读来津津有味。这本《水上》日记出版之后,得到俄国文豪列夫·托尔斯泰的高度评价,说是莫泊桑“最优秀的作品”。 1928年,上海开明书店出版了《水上》的中译本,得到当时读者的好评;1930年又再版发行,译者在序中说:“我再校读过一次,觉得并不十分坏”。可惜这本得到过好评的《水上》,现在连北京图书馆都没有存书了。1986年,人民文学出版社又出版了《水上》的新译本,只印一万多册,很快销售一空。我想,比
In 1888, the French writer Maupassant made a short voyage along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. He wrote down every day his thoughts and feelings as the slightest remark in the world governing the country. The big thing or the small event, he talked quite appealing, it is read relish. After the publication of “Aqua Diary,” it was highly praised by the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy and was said to be “the best work” by Maupassant. In 1928, Shanghai Kai Ming Bookstore published a Chinese version of “Water”, which was well received by readers at that time. In 1930, it was published again. The translator said in the preface: “I read it once again and I think it is not very bad.” . Unfortunately, this has been well received by the “water”, and now even the Beijing Library have not deposited a book. In 1986, People’s Literature Publishing House published a new edition of “Water on the Water,” which printed more than 10,000 volumes and sold out quickly. I think, than