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汹涌的商海大潮冲击着华夏大地,荡涤着每一个角落。被人们视为“圣坛”的教育界也不例外。如今,教授上街卖馅饼已经不再被人们视为稀罕事。在这股潮流的冲击下,黑龙江省八五五农场的几所中小学,近日刮起了一股补课收费风,引起了全场甚至农场党委的关注。一中初二年级物理教师李迎娣率先办起了初二物理课外补习班。她利用晚间或星期日的时间为班级中学习成绩好的和差的进行分层次辅导补习,学生自愿参加,每月30元。接着,英语教师丁美珍、数学教师姜淑华、杜美珍纷纷响应,开办了不同规模、不同学科的课外辅导班。参加补习的学生多者达二十几名,少则几名,其他学校的部分教师也纷纷效仿。带着种种疑问,笔者来到了一中,几位教师坦率地 The surge of the tide of the sea of ​​business impact the Huaxia earth, clean every corner. The education sector that people regard as “altars” is no exception. Nowadays, it is no longer rare for professors to go to the streets to sell pies. Under the impact of this trend, several elementary and junior high schools in the 855 farms in Heilongjiang Province recently started to charge an overture fee class, which aroused the attention of the whole party and even the farm party committees. Li Yinyi, a second-year physics teacher in first grade, took the lead in starting the first two physics extra-curricular classes. She uses evening or Sunday time to classify tutoring for good and bad grades in classes, and students volunteered for 30 yuan per month. Then, the English teacher Ding Meizhen, mathematics teacher Jiang Shuhua, Du Meizhen have responded to the opening of different sizes, different subjects of the tutoring classes. More than twenty students participated in tuition, ranging from as few as several teachers in other schools have to follow suit. With all sorts of questions, I came to one, several teachers frankly
Standardized process of public complaints,applied in Qingdao,Shandong Province,was approved as a provincial pilot project on service standardization in January
中央林业工作会议6月22日至23日在北京举行。会议全面贯彻党的十七大、十七届三中全会和2008年中央10号文件精神,进一步统一思想认识,系统研究新形 The Central Forestry Wo
研究了穿孔变形区中毛管的几何尺寸和表面质量。 The geometry and surface quality of the capillary in the perforation zone were studied.
日本科技厅完成了一项研究报告,对从现在起到2020年实现的1149项技术革新作了预测,并列出了一张日程表。科技厅对一些重大革新的时间预测如下: 1999年:借助于遗传工程手段获
WM—1型弧焊监控器是机电部合肥通用机械研究所研制的产品,是对焊接工艺进行科学管理的先进仪器。 WM-1-type arc welding monitor is the Ministry of Mechanical and Ele