研究了采用离线计算形成模糊查询表,从而在PLC(可编程序控制器)控制系统在线查表实现模糊PID控制的方法, 提出了解决模糊PID控制动作频繁造成系统损害的带死区的模糊PID控制算法;这种PLC通用模糊PID控制器可作为控制系统的一部分,也可用于控制过程分析、仿真和开发模糊控制PID系统的工具。
This paper studies how to form a fuzzy look-up table by using off-line calculation to realize fuzzy PID control in the on-line look-up table of PLC (programmable logic controller) control system. A fuzzy PID with dead zone to solve the system damage frequently caused by fuzzy PID control action Control algorithm; This PLC general fuzzy PID controller can be used as part of the control system can also be used to control the process analysis, simulation and development of fuzzy control PID system tools.