Critical theory in general has a dual theoretical task. The first is to critically elucidate the tremendous social and historical changes of the 20th century. The second is to refute the critique of modernity in a specific historical context. On the basis of fully reflecting the large-scale structural transformation of capitalist society in the 20th century, this article macroscopically depicts the overall historical trajectory of the development of critical theories from Lukacs, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Habermas and others , Internal logic clues and hidden theory contrary to the knot. The author has pointed out that since the previous critical theory unconsciously preserved some of the preconditions of traditional Marxism, the adequacy and reflexivity of its theory were weakened, which made it impossible to accomplish the above two tasks. There is an urgent need to construct a newer post-liberalism theory of social critique. Based on the perspective of internal contradictions in society, we can fully clarify the process of social transformation, historical motivation and possible future substitution in a historical reflexive way Program.