本文介绍了采用 2毫米电磁型微马达作为驱动器的移动微型机器人 .其整体尺寸为10 mm× 6 mm× 5mm.作为微型机器人的核心部件 ,微马达采用电磁型轴向磁通结构以获得较大的输出力矩 .该马达的设计创新还在于其控制上可以在不同的阶段采用同步电机和步进电机两种控制方式 .微型机器人的控制器通过超细直径的柔性导线与机械结构相连 ,创新的结构设计使得机器人的转弯半径非常小 ,将导线连接的影响降至极小 .通过算法可以控制该机器人前进、后退、灵活转弯 .本文详细论述了该微机器人的设计、制作、结构部件和性能 .
In this paper, a mobile micro-robot using a 2 mm electromagnetic micromotor as its actuator is introduced, its overall size is 10 mm × 6 mm × 5 mm.As the core part of the micro robot, the micro-motor adopts electromagnetic axial flux structure to obtain larger Of the output torque of the motor design innovation lies in its control can be used in different stages of synchronous motor and stepper motor control of two.Micro robot controller through the flexible wire with ultrafine diameter connected with the mechanical structure, innovative The structure design makes the turning radius of the robot very small and minimizes the influence of the wire connection.The algorithm can control the robot to move forward, backward and bend flexibly.This paper discusses the design, fabrication, structural components and performance of the robot in detail.